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The gorge is part of the Trascau Mountain range and an important botanical and geological nature reserve.
Valisoara Gorge is a narrow gorge that stretches for about 3 kilometers and is characterized by its impressive vertical limestone walls, which can reach heights of up to 250 meters. Great place to spot orzeł przedni, jaskólka skalna and on a lucky day even the Eastern jaskółka rudawa. Other species include głuszek, raniuszek zwyczajny, pustułka (zwyczajna), pluszcz, sokół wędrowny and świstunka leśna.
Valisoara Gorge can be approached by car from the south from Aiud city via road 107M or from the north coming from Rimetea. It is located at only 10 km from the Piatra Secuiului, another good birding spot. Best explored on foot.
Allow half day if one visits the panoramic viewpoints located above the Castelul Templul Cavalerilor restaurant or if one decides to explore the marked trails (red dot) that takes you near Coltul Sandului peak, Rachis peak and Coltul Cetate peak than takes you back in a loop to the carpark. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking spot.
The best place to spot the orzeł przedni is either the panoramic viewpoint (46.37510480698996, 23.581348545551265) in the afternoon or from the Rachis peak (46.37852111277581, 23.588427282749045) in the morning. The jaskólka skalna nest on the sheer cliff of Coltul Cetate peak just above the first carpark arriving from Aiud. The jaskółka rudawa could nest under the bridge near the first carpark and might be seen around the restaurant buildings.
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