
Parcul Natural Văcărești din București

Bucharest  >  Romania

Old artificial lake project abandoned and taken over by nature. Reeds, willows, shallow water bring here about 150 birds species.

Dodane* przez Livia
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 grudnia 2023


Parcul Natural Văcărești din București is only 5 km away from the city centre, being also the largest green space in Bucharest, covering 183 ha. President Nicolae Ceaușescu wanted to build a reservoir on this site and a concrete dam was built to surround the lake. But the plans for development were abandoned when communism fell and the area was overtaken by nature. Due to the area being unused for such a long period of time, plant-life and wildlife flourished within the confines of the dam. The biodiversity now encountered here is considered by some to be comparable to that of a small river delta. Among the birds you can encounter are rybitwa białowąsa, podgorzałka, kormoran mały, błotniak stawowy, remiz, Płaskonos, świstun, głowienka, perkozek, perkoz dwuczuby, syczek, zimorodek, jerzyk, gąsiorek, wodnik (zwyczajny), rybitwa rzeczna, gil, cyraneczka and cyranka.



By subway (Mihai Bravu metro station), by car (hard to find parking spaces). You can enter from Asmita complex. You will have to get down the dam, after that is all flat.

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