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Dumbravita & Rotbav are located in central Romania, near the touristic town of Brasov. It is a Natura 2000 Site and a Ramsar Site.
The Dumbravita & Rotbav area is formed by a systems of lakes, fishponds, reservoirs, river, rivulets, reedbeds, marshes, channels, pastures, willow stands etc. This is the only Ramsar Site in Transylvania and was administrated by Romanian Ornithological Society together with Doripesco Fishing Company (the actual former of lakes). More than 200 bird species were identified here.
From a birdwatching point of view this is the best place in central Romania because some species are breeding only here: kormoran mały, mewa czarnogłowa, żuraw and others in the largest number of pairs: czapla purpurowa, czapla biała, błotniak stawowy. There is a very interesting mixed colony of herons, egrets and kormoran mały. Other breeding species of interest: bączek, podgorzałka, zielonka, derkacz, szczudłak, czapla modronosa, remiz, łozówka, brzęczka, wilga (zwyczajna) and many others. During autumn migration there are even more species and usually thousands of waterbirds. In this period the most important species is bocian czarny, a symbol of the area. Between August-October tens of storks are foraging in the fishponds and are very easy to see and make photo's of. The mudflats and shallow water attracts hundreds of waders, gulls, ducks etc. More than 250 czapla biała are dailly present. At the end of the autumn northern geese are arriving and bernikla rdzawoszyja is present almost every year. Other interesting animals: Otter, Beaver, a lot of insects, amphibians etc. For more information, please visit our FaceBook account DeltadinCarpati (see the link below).
There are two main acces possibilities by car, bus.
1. From Brașov or Tg Mureș / Sighișoara town to National Route nr. 13 (DN 13) to Hălchiu-Satu Nou-first lake of Dumbrăvița
2. From Brașov or Sibiu town to National Route nr. 1 (DN1) to Codlea - Dumbrăvița- largest reservoir and then inside the fishpond complex
It is possible to park on both main entrance from the reservoir (at the dam) or from the first fishpond from Satu Nou. See the P on the map. The best exploring way is by car and by foot but also cycling is possible.
It is necessary to contact the local ornithologist expert Dan Ionescu, and also DORIPESCO Company ( for access.
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