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Simply the best birding spot of Qatar with close to 250 species recorded. Guidance for first time visitors is useful.
Irakhiya sits like a glowing emerald in the middle of the desert. It is home to many resident bird species and lies on the flight path of migratory birds and insects passing through Qatar. It can even be seen from space on satellite maps. The fields consist of sandy and loamy topsoil on a flat, sandy plain with water-worn pebbles. The rest of the terrain is low, rocky limestone upland with scattered boulders and sparse vegetation. All native species of plant at Irakhiya benefit from the absence of grazing animals.
Irakhiya Farm is located off the Abu Samra Road about 50 kilometers west of Doha in the south central plain of Qatar. The farm is basically divided by a dual carriage way into a northwest part (closed) and a southern part (open). Both parts are fenced and can only be reached by an entrance gate. Two adjacent lagoons are located next to the road, west of both fenced parts (see star on the map), and always accessible. Note that these lagoons are dry in the summer.
You can enter the farm at the South Gate (labeled Qatar Grass Farm in Google Maps). Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates to the South Gate. Driving towards the South Gate, you'll first pass the big yellow arch / gate (closed for birders) to your right and later a cement factory on your left. Although there is no entrance fee, a tip or some drinks and snacks are very much appreciated by the guard(s). Friday birders should be of the premises before 10am prayer time. Best to visit the farm by car. The tree area near the gate is nice for walking. However, since the area of the southern farm is approximately 15 km2, driving around (safari-birding) is the way to go.
Please note that big yellow arch / gate used to be open for birders but is NOT anymore.
A combination of roaming the soutern farm and visiting the lagoons outside the farm will increase your species list for the day for sure. Click on the P next to the lagoons to get directions or coordinates to the lagoons.
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Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat mapy dotyczącej tego „ptasiego miejsca”.
Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat listy gatunków występujących na obszarze „ptasiego miejsca”. (Czy chcesz podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami z innymi ? Użyj przycisku „Komentarze” znajdującego się na dole strony zawierającej opis miejsca obserwacji.)
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