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The lowland area around the Rio das Enguias includes nature reserves, rice fields, arable fields, salt pans and an estuary. There are various birding locations.
The environmental variety of this floodplain gives scope for a wide variety of birds: large and small waders (eg, warzęcha and sieweczka obrożna), dabblers, divers (eg, grebes), raptors, hirundines (eg, dymówka and jerzyk) and songbirds (eg, chwastówka zwyczajna). There can be distant views of flocks of ibis kasztanowaty and bocian biały nesting on power pylons.
Although industrial and residential development adds pressure, there remains enough wetland and woodland to support wildlife. See it while it lasts and support its survival.
Most viewpoints are on public roads and are not especially indicated. Others are on private land and require owner's permission to access. Unless you're familiar with the area and have your own transport, it's recommended that you employ a guide or join a tour party. Public transport can get you to Alcochete from Lisbon, but not to the heart of the area and the widespread nature of the viewpoints require mobility.
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