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The Salinas do Samouco is an ecological and conservation project and a feeding and nesting place for thousands of birds.
Its proximity to the largest and most important wetland of Portugal the Tagus Estuary, makes the Samouco salt pans a great place of shelter for many waterbirds that during their migrations, find in the different tanks, a great place to feed and rest. In the 360 ha that comprise the Samouco saltpan complex, 203 species of birds have been observed to date. Nowadays, most of these salt pans no longer produce salt, but their physical structure has been preserved in order to guarantee the circulation of salt water coming from the Tagus estuary. The management of the water in the tanks through a system of gates is fundamental for the maintenance of different depths and salinity levels, providing a great food availability that attracts hundreds of birds, especially during high tide. Besides feeding and seeking refuge in these areas, some species, such as szczudłak, use the salt pans as nesting site. Among the other birds you can see are flaming różowy, sieweczka morska, sieweczka obrożna, szablodziób, rycyk, rybitwa białoczelna, siewnica, kulik mniejszy, kulik wielki and czapla nadobna. But many more, see the birdlist below.
Português: As Salinas do Samouco são um projeto ecológico e de conservação refúgio um local de alimentação e nidificação para milhares de aves. Nos 360 ha que compreendem o complexo de salinas do Samouco, foram observadas até presente data 203 espécies de aves.
Boat-Transtejo/Soflusa. Bus- TST 410 Barreiro, 412 Montijo, 431 Lisbon. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking places. You can explore the area by walking or biking. There are two salt trails you can do: the Flamingo circular trail of 4.70 km or the Shank trail – circular route with 6km.
Opening hours: 8h00 to 17h00 – Monday to Friday (January to December). 10h00 to 19h00 – Weekends and Holidays (March to September). 8h00 to 17h00 – Weekends and Holidays (October to February). Note: Check out the website (see the link below) for current accessibility, because the area sometimes can be closed for visits.
Português: Barco- Transtejo/Soflusa. Autocarro- TST 410 Barreiro, 412 Montijo, 431 Lisboa. Carro- GPS: 38°44'39.41"N; 8°58'50.80"O. Estacionamento- GPS: 38°44'39.41"N; 8°58'50.80"O. Visita- Caminhando ou de Bicicleta.
Move calmly and in relative silence; Bring discreet clothing suitable for the season (including a hat in summer and waterproof in winter); Comfortable shoes suitable for walking; Snacks and liquids; Insect repellent and in summer include sunscreen; On bicycles, the speed must be reduced, allowing them to brake safely.
Português: Deslocar-se de forma calma e em relativo silêncio; Trazer roupa discreta e adequada à época do ano (incluindo o chapéu no Verão e impermeável no Inverno); Calçado confortável e adequado a caminhadas; Merenda e líquidos; Repelente para insectos e no Verão incluir o protector solar; Nas bicicletas a velocidade deve ser reduzida permitindo a sua travagem em segurança.
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