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Cape with cliffs near the popular lighthouse called Cabo de São Vicente. It can be a little bit crowded sometimes, but in the morning you'll be fine.
Cabo de São Vicente, also known as Cape Saint Vincent, is the southwesternmost point of mainland Europe. This dramatic headland has breathtaking views over the Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse of Cape Saint Vincent usually has more tourists than birds, but especially during autumn migration this is a great place for birding. Be there early in the morning for the best birding.
Just like most of the coast of the Algarve, Cape Saint Vincent has also high cliffs. The advantage here is that the cliff is not as high as other places so if there are birds flying close over the sea, you'll still be able to see them. During migration in autumn you can just sit here, wait and watch a lot different species fly by.
Português: Este importante cabo é um dos acidentes geográficos mais significativos de Portugal Continental. É aqui que a costa portuguesa inflecte de sul para oeste. Quando as condições meteorológicas são favoráveis, este é um local privilegiado para a observação de aves em migração, especialmente no Outono.
Cabo de São Vicente is located in the extreme southwest of the Portuguese mainland, 30 km west of Lagos and 6 km west of Sagres. From Lagos, follow the N125 to Vila do Bispo and then the N268 to Sagres and finally west another 6 km towards Cape St. Vincent. It is possible to drive all the way up there and park the car. Press P on the map for directions.
Português: Cabo de São Vicente: no extremo sudoeste do território continental português, 30 km a oeste de Lagos e 6 km a oeste de Sagres. A partir de Lagos, segue-se pela N125 até Vila do Bispo e depois pela N268 até Sagres e por fim para oeste mais 6 km em direcção ao cabo de São Vicente.
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