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Where the Odra river Delta connects to the Szczecin Lagoon thousands of birds can be seen during migration and in winter. All year round many bielik.
The Roztoka Odrzańska (Odra river Delta) is located to the south of the Szczecin Lagoon. This lagoon is separated from the Baltic Sea by the islands of Usedom and Wolin. During migration thousands of geese and ducks stop in the Odra river Delta. During the breeding season, one of the largest densities of bielik in Poland can be found here. In warmer winters, when the water does not freeze, thousands of water birds gather in the area.
Tourist conditions in the vicinity of the Szczecin Lagoon and Odra river Delta are very good, practically in every town around the lagoon there are hotels, guesthouses and agritourism. Best way to explore the area are the coastal paths or roads.
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