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A great place for birdwatching with vast reedbeds and marshes around, surrounded by old woods and wet meadows. This attracts a variety of rare birds.
Siemianówka Reservoir is situated about 30km to the north of Bialowieza. The banks of this man-made reservoir vary from muddy, with pools to grass-covered or concrete slopes. It is a large (over 32 sqkm) reservoir on upper Narew river. Although this is an artificial lake, it is quite a popular birding spot among Polish birders. The lake is crossed at its eastern part by a railwaytrack that divides the reservoir into two parts. The railwaytrack is the most visited spot by birders, as the dykes that come along the railway provide quite easy walking and provide good views for both sides of the lake. The best areas to visit are the eastern parts, where the edges of the lake end with muddy plains and wet meadows. To the south, the lake touches the norhern edges of Bialowieza Forest.
All three marsh terns breed here in summer, both storks, perkoz rogaty, derkacz as well as cyranka, Płaskonos and cyraneczka. There are two species of particular interest: brodziec pławny and pliszka cytrynowa have recently begun to breed here (at the far, eastern end of the lake). Raptors in summer include bielik, rybołów, Trzmielojad and orlik krzykliwy. Passerines of interest include górniczek, jarzębatka, dziwonia and ortolan. Passage periods bring a range of waders to the reservoir.
Siemianowka village is situated close to the south shore of the reservoir and can be reached by road from Bialowieza via Hajnowka . Alternatively follow the track from Stara Bialowieza north to Nareka via Janowo. The best birding areas are the south and east shores but those wishing to try the northern side of the reservoir can reach it by leaving Siemianowka village westwards to Juskowy Grod and from there east to Ciskowa. Most visitors incorporate Siemianowka into a trip to Bialowieza and find accommodation there.
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