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The Gołuchów Arboretum is a picturesquely situated park, in the central part of which there is a castle and a forestry museum.
The park in Gołuchów has not only a beautiful castle, a run for wild animals and a home to unusual plant species, it is also a great place for bird watching. During spring migration, you can see large flocks of gęś białoczelna flying overhead. In summer, you can hear the characteristic song of the dudek. And in the early morning, siniak and hidden dzięcioł zielonosiwy are particularly active here. On the ponds themselves, in winter, you can observe large numbers of wintering krzyżówka and łabędź niemy. One of the reasons why it is worth going to the park in Gołuchów are the songbirds such as the świstunka leśna and zniczek. I hope I have described it well and encouraged you to observe birds (and not only) in the park.
Access to Gołuchów Park is very easy. The parking is located at the entrance to the park and at the forestry museum itself. From the parking you can explore the area on foot. Press P on the map for directions to a parking. The circular walking route shown on the map is about 7 km.
The park has a demonstration animal enclosure, where you can admire, among others, European bisons.
When you are finished birding, it is worth visiting the architecturally interesting castle, which is a museum open to visitors.
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