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Beautiful area of Magura National Park near the summer resort of Folusz. On the forest trails you can see a good selection of forest birds.
You can walk the easy Folusz nature trail (4 km). This trail runs through the northernmost part of the Magura National Park and leads from the valley of the Potasówka stream to the Magurski waterfall. Or you can walk the more demanding but quieter loop trail (21 km) that features, higher slopes, beautiful wild flowers. The forest is rich in birds, also on the short walk but of course the long trail brings you more birds. Among the birds you can see in the area are different species of woodpecker and kruk, sosnówka, czarnogłówka (zwyczajna), mysikrólik, pluszcz, muchołówka mała, muchołówka białoszyja, grubodziób, czyż and pliszka górska.
The length of the Folusz nature trail is 4 km (on the map this route is marked with stars). The path takes about 2 hours to walk, is generally easy to cross and marked in the field is a white square, on the diagonal of which stretches a red stripe. The longer circular walk you see on the map is 21 km, bridges 800 meter of height difference and will take you all day. But of course you can also decide to only do a small part of this trail.
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