
Bór na Czerwonem Reserve

Małopolska  >  Poland

One of the oldest nature reserves in Poland. In this area, raised bogs and marsh forests are protected. A breeding area for the bocian czarny.

Dodane* przez Stanisław Broński
Ostatnia aktualizacja 3 lutego 2022


The reserve "Bór na Czerwonem" has an area of 114.64 ha and is located in the Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin. The reserve owes its name to the common algae Zygonium ericetorum, whose thallus turns red in autumn. The main subject of protection in the reserve is a raised bog covered with natural vegetation, along with the surrounding pine stands with spruce. The reserve is protected under the Natura 2000 program and was also included in the network of areas covered by the Ramsar Convention.

In total, over 40 breeding bird species have been found in the reserve. It is a breeding ground for several protected bird species like bocian czarny, dzięcioł czarny and gąsiorek. Until 2010, there was a cietrzew lekking place in the meadows east of the Bór na Czerwonem Reserve. Currently, this species has completely disappeared around the reserve.



The best way to get to the reserve is from Nowy Targ. In the reserve an educational and nature path was established. Platforms were built, leading to the viewing platform from which you can safely admire the peat bogs and the mountains surrounding the valley: the Tatra Mountains, the Gorce and the Babia Góra Range. The reserve can be explored on foot or by bike. Along the path, there are five information boards about the nature and history as well as the problems of peat bogs protection.

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