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Southern Asmaløy has varying habitats and great birds. Birds such as podróżniczek, ogorzałka wąsatka and many more are annual.
The varying habitats in the Southern Asmaløy area makes this a great birding destination, either it's a seawatch or a night walk. The landscape is dominated by coastal heathland and coastal pine forest. The two shallows bays of Skipstadkilen and Vikerkilen create good waterbird habitats.
The area is great all year round. In winter lodówka, ogorzałka, alka, nurzyk and alczyk are some of the birds that can be found. Some of the breeding species are zaganiacz, wodnik (zwyczajny), świergotek nadmorski, dzięcioł zielony, dzięciołek, białorzytka, pokląskwa and łozówka. Migration season is undoubtly the best time of the year. podróżniczek, bielik, słowik szary, drozd obrożny, biegus rdzawy, bekasik, perkozek and kląskawka are all annual. The area is also good for rarities, especially during the autumn migration with birds such as kląskawka syberyjska, kulczyk, mornel, jarzębatka, świstunka żółtawa, burzyk wielki, świergotek szponiasty and many more have been found
The area is popular and often used by hikers. There are several paths throughout the area. Most are easy to walk, but they can be slippery after rainfall. A lot of the paths have blue markings on trees, rocks, etc along them. A telescope is not a must, but it's definitely good to bring one.
When on the 108 road from Fredrikstad, take to the right where it says Brattestø. Follow the road until you reach a horse farm. Take to the left where it says Huser Gårdsbarnehage. Here you can park by the kindergarten. Note that the road from this point on is private, so don't drive any further. It is also possible to find other places to park along the road closer to Brattestø. Note that a lot of these places are private parkings reserved for summer homes and cabins. These are usually only in use during the summer and Easter holidays, and weekends from April to September.
It's also possible to take left from the 108 road to Viker. When you reach Viker, there is a sign to Madamhaven where you can park. Note that some of these spaces are reserved.
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