
Skrøytnes Fugletårn

Finnmark  >  Norway

One of the most interesting birding areas in the whole of Pasvikdalen. More than 130 species of birds have been recorded.

Dodane* przez Lars Eriksson
Ostatnia aktualizacja 24 sierpnia 2023
To miejsce Ptasie Miejsce nie został jeszcze oceniony. Bądź pierwszą osobą, która oceni od 1 do 5 gwiazdek


The Skrøytnes area lies well outside the Pasvik nature reserve but it is a very important resting and breeding ground for a number of wetland birds. Best time for a visit is from May to October when the Pasvik river is icefree. On the river there is great activity immediately after the ice has gone, usually from the transition in April–May. ges zbozowa, łabędź krzykliwy and various duck species gather here as soon as channels in the ice are accessible. mewa mała usually appears in mid–May. łabędź krzykliwy, żuraw and uszatka błotna nest on several of the extensive bogs. In the coniferous forest one can fnd species such as jarząbek, sowa jarzębata, dzięcioł trójpalczasty, jemiołuszka, sikora pólnocna and sójka syberyjska. Many mammal species have also live in the area, such as brown bear, lynx and moose.



The Skrøytnes bird tower is easily accessible by car. There is a small parking place on the side of the road. From here there is a path of about 350 m to the observation tower by the water’s edge. The tower gives a fine view over parts of Svanvannet and Lille Skogøy. From May to August this is an important area for both ducks and waders. Check the mudflats, the bank vegetation and the lush Mennikabukta on the Russian side to the southeast.

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