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The birding island of Runde is well known for the huge number of seabirds that live and nest here on the steep cliffs. The numbers of birds are staggering.
The island of Runde has very steep bird cliffs and grassy plateaus. The cliffs are one of the most famous in Norway and full of birds. A gigantic number of maskonur, skua's and a chance of spotting the bielik. Runde is one of a few places in Norway where the wydrzyk wielki breeds. Other birds you can see are fulmar, mewa trójpalczasta, głuptak, kormoran czubaty, alka, nurzyk, drozd obrożny and białorzytka. Best time to visit is when the birds breed: April through mid-August. But migration periods are good as well.
The great advantage of Runde is the accessibility. The island is located just outside of Norway’s north-western coast, and there is a road leading there. Via road 653 it's possible to drive to the island. But parking is a bit more difficult. The hike to the top of the mountain is a bit strenuous, but once you're up there it's relatively easy. Marked paths will guide you around the island.
The number of breeding pairs of the maskonur is estimated at 100,000, that of the mewa trójpalczasta at 50,000. The island also has Norway's largest colony of głuptak. It's also possible to book a boating trip around the island.
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