
Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve

Auckland  >  New Zealand

Tahuna Torea offers a roost to many shorebirds and combines different habitats on a long sand bank extending into the Tamaki Estuary.

Dodane* przez David Bowden
Ostatnia aktualizacja 17 października 2023
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The 25 hectares of nature reserve offer a variety of habitats including a freshwater pond, an estuary, shell beaches, mudflats, and regenerating native forest. As the name Tahuna Torea suggests - 'gathering place of the oystercatcher' - the spit and its estuary is a key roost for shorebirds such as Variable Oystercatcher, Pied Stilt, and Caspian Tern. A wide variety of birds can be seen fluttering around about the forest and ponds such as Tui, New Zealand Fantail, Spotted Dove, and Dunnock. With some luck, you might spot a Buff-banded Rail or a Spotless Crake among the mangroves.



The reserve lies in the suburb Wai o Taiki Bay of Auckland, around 30 minutes by car or 50 minutes by bus from the CBD. There is a carpark at the end of West Tamaki Road, but you can also access it from the Roberta Reserve in the North. The reserve is only suitable for walking ; some areas around the pond are accessible by wheelchair.

The mostly flat round track shown on the map is about 1.8km long; part of it is along the shore but you can also make a circular route using other tracks. You can explore the Northern side of the spit along the beach. During low tide only you can make a long round trip following the Southern and Northern sides of the spit, but unless going barefoot expect to get wet shoes.

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