
Otira Valley

Westcoast  >  New Zealand

Beautiful valley in Arthur's Pass that is one of best spots to reliably find the alpine New Zealand Rock Wren.

Dodane* przez Jonathan Klawitter
Ostatnia aktualizacja 28 maja 2024


The Okarito valley track leads up the beautiful Okarito valley from SH75 in Arthur's Pass. You start in shrubby vegetation high above the Okarito stream, which you eventually cross over a small footbridge and on which occassionally Blue Duck are spotted. You can also often see Kea fly over or call from the peaks around the valley. Besides the super scenic views, what makes Okarito valley a great place to visit is that here and the Homer Tunnel of the Milford Road are the best and most reliable spots to find New Zealand Rock Wren; the area around the bridge is the first well-known spot for them. Beyond the bridge you can climb up the valley further over rocky terrain, though there is no marked track, where you reach a very bouldery and shrubby area that is another great spot for New Zealand Rock Wren. Being patient is the key as they are there!



This is mountain country and from May to November there are dangerous avalanches that cross the Otira Valley Track. Check with the Arthur’s Pass Visitor Centre for the latest conditions before using this track during these months.

The track starts at a small car park on the side of SH73 in Arthur's Pass, about 7km from Arthur's Pass township and 9km from Otira.

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