
Werk aan het Spoel

Gelderland  >  Netherlands

Werk aan het Spoel is a historical location and part of the Dutch Water Line. The area is surrounded by water, reedbeds and trees and a good spot for migrants!

Dodane* przez Bas Engels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 24 października 2020


Werk aan het Spoel is a historical location near the Lek river and is part if the Dutch Water Line. It consists of a sluice that is surrounded by multiple bunkers and was once used to protect the land against invations by inundating the polders. Nowadays, the area is surrounded with natural areas.

The bunkers are surrounded by a fairly broad canal, which is directly connected to the Lek river. Adjacent to the canal, large trees make up the landscape and, on the southern side of the area, small reedbeds are present. Furthermore, Werk aan het Spoel is located near the Lek river and its floodplains that consists of an open landscape with scattered trees, bushes and multiple ponds.

The canal is a great spot for multiple zimorodek and they can be seen and heard best from the bridge on the northern side of the area. Also, the banks are great for brodziec piskliwy and samotnik. The canal itself is also one of the best spots to observe beavers. They tend to swim around, leaving the canal to the river by swimming underneath the bridge.

The trees are home to multiple species of common songbird during the breeding season, like kapturka and piecuszek. During Autumn migration the trees are great for migrants, like muchołówka szara, pleszka and zniczek. Rarer species are wilga (zwyczajna), muchołówka żałobna and, with a bit of luck, świstunka żółtawa.

The reedbeds on the southern side of the area are a good spot for common reedbirds, like trzcinniczek (zwyczajny) and potrzos. Furthermore, the scattered bushes surrounding the canal are great for scarcer species, like świerszczak, brzęczka and multiple breeding wierzbówka zwyczajna.

The Lek river is a good spot for many species of waterbird. Waterbirds tend to exchange between the Steenwaard on the northern side of the river to the ponds in the Goilberdingerwaard on the southern side of the river. Also, one of the small dykes in the river is used as a bird migration area to count migrating birds during both Spring and Autuhm migration.

On the western side of the area, a small orchard is present. This is a good spot for pójdźka.



The area is easy accessible by the hiking trail surround the Werk aan het Spoel area. Also, from here you can hike in multiple directions following hiking trails to the west, south and east. There is a parking lot at the center of the area and a small restaurant.

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