
Schaapjeszijde - Polder de Nesse

Zuid-Holland  >  Netherlands

Small peat meadow area with many typical species, czapla purpurowa and cyranka.

Dodane* przez Bas Engels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 lutego 2020
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Schaapjeszijde, named after the road on the eastern side of the area, is a small area within a large typical peat meadow area, called "Polder de Nesse". The area consists of old, narrow pastures on which cattle is held. Between these narrow pastures, ditches are present which attract many species of waterfowl, like cyranka and Płaskonos. A larger ditch on the northwestern en western side of the area is used by diving ducks, like czernica and głowienka. perkozek and perkoz dwuczuby are also present on these larger ditches. On the banks of these ditches, herons, like czapla biała and czapla purpurowa hunt for frogs. In early spring, rybitwa rzeczna and small numbers of rybitwa czarna can be seen hunting above the ditches after which they return to their nests in the surrounding area. Some patches of reedbed are present in which rokitniczka and trzcinniczek (zwyczajny) can be heard.

During the breeding season, the pastures are used as breeding habitat for several species of waders, like rycyk, krwawodziób and kulik wielki. Besides waders, species like skowronek, świergotek łąkowy and pliszka żółta also breed here. błotniak stawowy hunts above these pastures.

Just next to the road, some small areas with bushes are present. Here, species like piegża, zaganiacz and mazurek can be seen and heard. Many other common songbirds can be found within these bushes.

In winter, the area is mainly used by large flocks of geese, like gęś białoczelna and larger numbers of czapla biała can be present.



There's a parking spot at the beginning of the tarmac road on the eastern side of the area (see P on the map). You can access the area on foot and by bike. Follow the tarmac road in southwestern direction and use your scope to scan the open landscape on both sides of the road. After several 100 meters, a small paved road leads towards the village in northwestern direction. You can follow the road until you reach the larger ditch from where you'll be able to scan this part of the area.

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