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Estate with manor, orchard and surrounding wet meadows, deciduous forest and coniferous forest. Area with beautiful hiking paths and 5 species of woodpeckers.
Herinckhave is an estate rich in history and natural beauty. The estate consists of the 18th century manor house and is surrounded by canals. Two avenues give access to the estate. There are also some old farms and agricultural barns on the estate. The total area of forests, orchards and cultivated land is over 65 hectares. The estate has beautiful walking paths through low shrubs and lots of holly (hulst in dutch)), wet meadows, and woodland with deciduous and coniferous trees. Among the birds you can see here are zniczek, mysikrólik, muchołówka żałobna, dzięcioł średni, dzięciołek, dzięcioł czarny and czubatka.
parking is available at the entrance of the estate (See the P on the map)
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