
Kerswerf - Beusichemse Waard

Gelderland  >  Netherlands

The Kerswerf is a fairly large wetland area and a great place for observing waders and waterbirds.

Dodane* przez Bas Engels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 24 października 2020


The Kerswerf, the western side of the larger Beusichemse Waard, is a fairly large wetland area on the northeastern side of the city of Culemborg. It is part of the Lek river floodplains and consists of multiple large ponds which vary in waterlevel during the season. The ponds are surrounded with small shrubs and scattered trees, reedbeds and agricultural fields.

During Spring migration, the water level is (most often) fairly low which reveals lots of banks and provide an ideal foraging area for many species of migrating waders, like brodziec śniady, kwokacz and łęczak. Common species that can be observed here are brodziec piskliwy and sieweczka rzeczna. Due to its location near the Lek river, the Kerswerf is great for rare species of migrating waders, like sieweczka obrożna, biegus krzywodzioby and szczudłak. The area is also used by many species of common waterbird, but also scarcer species, like cyranka and warzęcha, can be present.

The surrounding grassy areas are during Spring an Autumn migration great for large flocks of pliszka żółta, Grey-headed Wagtail (thunbergi) and Pliszka brytyjska. Other songbirds that can be found on these pastures are białorzytka, kląskawka and pokląskwa.

Parts of the shoreline of the Lek river are used by large breeding flocks of brzegówka. They tend to forage above the ponds of the Kerswerf during the breeding season in May and June.



The area is not accessable due to the horses that walk around. You can observe the ponds and its banks from two observation locations near the road (see map).

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