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This famous and incredibly beautiful red dune valley in Namib Naukluft National Park has a great biodiversity and is also a good spot for birding.
Situated in the Namib-Naukluft National Park, Sossusvlei is possibly Namibia’s most spectacular attraction. Characterised by the large red dunes that surround it, Sossusvlei is a large, white, salt and clay pan. The dunes in this area are some of the highest in the world. Sossusvlei literally translates to “dead-end marsh”, as it is the place where the dunes come together preventing the Tsauchab River to flow any further, some 60km east of the Atlantic Ocean. However, due to the dry conditions in the Namib Desert the River seldom flows this far and the pan remains bone-dry most years. But when the pan fills it can hold water for as long as a year. Despite the harsh desert conditions in the area, one can find a wide variety of plants and animals that have adapted to survive.
From the capital Windhoek, follow the C28, then following the signs for Sesriem where you can also sleep in numerous accommodations from a campsite to a lodge. Sesriem is a small settlement in the Namib Desert, close to the southern end of the Naukluft Mountains. It is the main access point to the Namib-Naukluft National Park and Sossusvlei.
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