

Anti-Atlas  >  Morocco

The edge of the Sahara, first sandy desert when you come from the direcion of Tafraout. Interesting desert birds, mammals and reptiles.

Dodane* przez stanvrem
Ostatnia aktualizacja 23 marca 2020


The camping Borj Biramane is a good base of operations. The camping terrain itself has some scattered trees and bushes which attract migrant Warblers. bialorzytka saharyjska and Desert Lark can be seen from your cottage. Right next to the camping is a dry riverbed where we saw gilak pustynny and modrak . The area also has other interesting desert creatures: Bosc’s Fringe-toed Lizard, Stenodactylus geckos, Sahara ants, Desert Jerboas, desert-type Red Foxes, Mauritanian Toad and African Green Toad were all found by us on a one-night stay.

The road that leads to the north from Icht (RR102) has good sandy desert habitat with skowron pustynny .



You can walk from the camping. (the terrain is walled, but there is a wooden door on the north side that you can go through to reach the river canyon.) If you don't stay at the camping you can walk around the terrain to reach the canyon.

The straight road RR102 isn't very busy and can be birded well.

Teren i siedlisko

Pustynia , Miasto/wieś , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Góry


Płaski , Piaszczysty , Brak cienia , Suchy , Otwarty krajobraz

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Zima , Wiosna , Jesień

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Zima , Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje


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