
Assif n’Tidili Bridges

Ouarzazate  >  Morocco

Two bridges over river Assif n’Tidili. In winter and especially spring the river and the surrounding agricultural plots are a great place for a birding stop.

Dodane* przez Ahmed Alaoui
Ostatnia aktualizacja 27 kwietnia 2023


The Assif n’Tidili is a small river in southern Morocco that has only a lot of water in the winter and spring months. A main bridge and a lower bridge a bit further north cross the river 35 km west of Ouarzazate. Both birdges and the surrounding area are a nice spot for birding. The banks of the river are thickly overgrown with reeds and the surrounding vegetable gardens and agricultural plots are full of birds. From the main bridge you have a chance to see trzcinniczek (zwyczajny) and in the trees resting czapla nadobna and ślepowron (sometimes groups of ten or more birds). Walking along the river and between the agricultural lands you can see birds like potrzeszcz, dzierzba rudogłowa, wróbel sródziemnomorski, White Wagtail (Moroccan) and dudek. In spring the area is also good for migrating birds like błotniak stawowy, bączek and pleszka.



The bridges are located 35 km west of Ouarzazate on the road to Taliouine. Click on the P in the map to get directions or coordinates. On the map you see a circular walk of about 2 km that passes the main bridge and a little bridge a bit further north. This low bridge has not as good views as the main bridge on the main road, but the road is much more quiet.

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