
Park Prirode Piva

Plužine  >  Montenegro

Conifer forests,mountain peaks above 2000 meters, pastures, mountain lakes and one artificial lake makes Piva great site for mountain, forest and water birds.

Dodane* przez Luka
Ostatnia aktualizacja 13 marca 2024


Park Prirode Piva has many different habitats and birds. From the coniferous forests where dzięcioł trójpalczasty , głuszec and włochatka breed to beech forests with small population of puszczyk uralski. Pivsko lake is home to nurogęś and brodziec piskliwy . Mountain areas are inhabited by góropatwa skalna and orzeł przedni .



It is best to come to the town of Plužine where there is parking. There are many cycling and hiking trails through Piva. But you can also explore parts by car. A tourist info-center is located at the entrance of Plužine. It is open to visitors from May to October, from 08:00 to 20:00.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Góry , Kanion/klif , Jezioro , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina , Płaskowyż , Rzeka , Miasto/wieś


Górzysty , Skalisty , Otwarty krajobraz , Pagórkowaty

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?


Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Wiosna , Lato

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje , Wiosna , Lato


Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka , Droga nieutwardzona , Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego

Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Rower , Samochód , Łódź

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

Piva Nature Park is located in the northwest Montenegro, covering 32 477,9 ha. The park is rich in nature with varied terrain in which most is taken up by mountains covered in grass and woods, followed by canyons of rivers Tara, Piva, Susica and mountain lakes Stabanjsko and Trnovacko. Piva Nature Park has over 1,500 rare or endangered plant species. The park is home to wild boars, deer and even bears. Two platforms for wildlife-watching and one for bird-watching have been installed in attractive locations in the Nature Park Piva, in Jerinići (Jasikovac), Baucali and Barni dol.


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