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Comino is a tiny island, just 3.5 square kilometres in size, and is a designated bird sanctuary. It is situated in between the larger islands of Gozo and Malta.
Despite its size, Comino is very important in terms of its significance for native flora and fauna, particular for the migratory birds that choose to rest and refuel here before continuing on with their journeys.
Comino is relatively unspoiled and undisturbed; the majority of the island is covered with garrigue, and there are beaches and cliffs, making Comino a very picturesque destination. In terms of wildlife, it is an important place for birds, and is actually designated as a bird sanctuary due to the significant number of burzyk sródziemnomorski pairs that breed here. As a result, this also means that hunting or trapping is not permitted at any time of the year. All of the island’s attributes make it an ideal place for migratory bird species to visit and rest, so a visit to Comino during spring or autumn would be ideal.
Access to Comino is by ferry only; either from Ċirkewwa in Malta, or from Mġarr Harbour in Gozo. Unless staying at the hotel this is more of a day outing. The boats will not operate if the sea conditions are rough, so it is advisable to check beforehand if the boat companies are operating. If visiting for the day, make sure you check the timetable for the last trip back. There are several bus routes that go to Ċirkewwa and Mġarr Harbour; visit the Malta Public Transport website for information. Note that there are no roads on Comino, so bringing a car over is not possible.
Twice a year, during the spring and autumn migrations, BirdLife Malta carry out their bird ringing project at the bird observatory on the island. During these periods, BirdLife Malta capture, ring and release high numbers of birds; for more information about this work, please contact BirdLife Malta.
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