
Schlammwiss Nature Reserve

Luxembourg District  >  Luxembourg

This 375 ha large wetland is the largest connected reed area in Luxembourg and is a great area for birdwatching,

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Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 września 2021


The 375 ha large wetland reserve Schlammwiss in Uebersyren is an important migratory stopover for a great amount of birds, which use the wetlands to refill their reserves. The area has marshes, patches of forest, agricultural lands and orchards and Schlammwiss has with almost 20 hectares one of the biggest reed banks in Luxembourg.

The main bird species using the reed banks are trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), łozówka and potrzos. Beside the breeding birds the reed banks are a stopover place for podróżniczek, remiz, wąsatka, brzęczka, trzciniak, rokitniczka and wodniczka. In the open areas between the reedbeds and the surrounding farms you can find birds like kląskawka, gąsiorek, szczygieł, cierniówka and świerszczak and during migration przepiórka, pokląskwa and białorzytka.

About 40.000 dymówka with brzegówka arrive every year around August-September in the reed banks of Schlammwiss and create a natural spectacle that attracts predators like kobuz, sokół wędrowny, krogulec and some owls. Futhermore big groups of szpak - about 20.000 each year - and siwerniak – about 100 each year – are using the reeds as sleeping or over wintering place too. As well small groups of pliszka siwa, pliszka żółta and trznadel are using the reed as sleeping place.



Park in the village and explore on foot. There is also a bird ringing station allowing important research and studies about biodiversity and nature conservation. The bird-ringing station Uebersyren offers guided tours, see the link below.

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Las , Tereny podmokłe , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Łąka , Rzeka , Trzcinowiska


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