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By following the eastern road through the Zalgiriai forest and making some stops the area will show a good variety of nice birds.
Following the road, making some stops and walking the smaller roads in to the Zalgiriai forest here and there will be rewarding, wilga (zwyczajna) , strumieniówka are singing together with the rest of the choir of other song birds. Through the area orlik krzykliwy and occasionaly orlik grubodzioby can be seen.
The bridge gives a good view over the stream and surrounding forests, there are paths on both sides to follow. In the south east corner of the forest jarzębatka , strumieniówka , dzięcioł zielonosiwy , dzięcioł duży, dzięcioł średni and dzięcioł czarny can be seen or heard.
I only visited this area in late May. So additional information is needed generally and for other periods. Please feel free to write in the comment section below and it will be added to the post.
Follow the road 206 from Silutes to Rusne, take south when the forest begins towards Sausgalviai.
For further information see the excellent "Nemunas Delta Region" guidebook by Marius Karolans.
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