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A vast area of old fishponds and reedbeds that gives a good variety of birds.
The Rusen ponds cover a large area of reedbeds, open and closed ponds and Salix bushes and trees. In the main pond (nr 1) a colony of śmieszka also harbouring rybitwa czarna , along with them rybitwa białowąsa, rybitwa białoskrzydła and rybitwa wielkodzioba can be seen.
Also living in the ponds perkozek and zausznik together with a good variety of ducks such as Płaskonos and cyranka. From the reedbeds bąk, brzęczka and trzciniak can be heard together with wąsatka and remiz.
You move through the area on top of the banks and there are a good number of roads to explore the site.
I only visited the site in late May so please feel free to add further information. Write in the comment section below and I'll add it to the post.
Drive to Rusne and take south straight after the bridge, follow the road along the ponds. Click on a P in the map to get directions.
For further information see the excellent "Nemunas Delta Region" guidebook by Marius Karolans.
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