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A one-hour hiking trail in Aukštaitija National Park covering several biotopes.
Scattered among the woods and hills of Aukštaitija National Park are some 100 lakes, often interconnected by rivers and streams. The woods, marshes and meadows of the park are filled with rare plant species. And of course many birds. More than 200 different bird species have been spotted in the park. In this trail itself, you might encounter a bogatka (zwyczajna) in the forest or a gągoł on the lakeshore. With luck, you might be able to spot one of the two species of woodpecker: dzięcioł trójpalczasty and dzięcioł czarny. The 3,5 km hike near the village of Palūšė combines many different habitats. You will pass forest, meadows, lakes and ponds, allowing for a short yet diverse walk.
The 3,5 km botanical trail is located in Palūšė, next to the beach by the lake Lužiai. The beach is located north of this small village alongside the main road. Once you get there, you will find a small bridge to cross north of the beach. The trail starts a few meters from there still to the north (look for indication panels in Lithuanian). Once on the trail, it's rather easy to follow.
The visitor center of the park is actually in the closest village, Palūšė.
Added info by user Gulliver: Birding almost impossible in summer, the shores of the lakes full of bathers and no birds. The visitor center lacks information for birders.
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