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This wetland complex is an important rest and feeding place for migrating water birds. The area also specially protects 29 bird species that breed here.
Nature reserve "Lubana wetland complex" is included on the list of Ramsar of the Convention of Wetands and part of "Natura 2000" network of sites established in the European Union. The nature reserve is created to provide protection of the biggest lake of Latvia as well as of the marshes, forest arrays and wetlands arount the Lubana lake.
Some very special birds breed in an around Lake Lubana: like orlik krzykliwy, bielik, łabędź krzykliwy, derkacz, dubelt and rybołów. Birding in Lubana wetland you can also see other great birds like pliszka cytrynowa, sóweczka, dzięcioł białogrzbiety, puszczyk uralski, podróżniczek, remiz, bielaczek, brodziec pławny, rycyk and bernikla rdzawoszyja et al. In total 257 bird species are observed in the Lubana wetland complex.
The only way to get to Lubana wetland is with private transport! The best way to explore the area is by car or bicycle. Of course you can walk around some bird watching spots, after getting there by car or bicycle.
You can park for free at parking place by Lubana wetland information centre or Center of Water Tourism Development "Bāka".
- Birdwatching information centre "Stikāni". Birdwatching information centre, guided birding tours, nature and bird photo tours and workshops upon request.
Phone number:+371 28671971
- Lubana wetland information centre.
Information about Nature reserve "Lubana wetland comlpex" and birdwatching excursions. Binocular rent.
Phone number: +371 29234956
- Center of Water Tourism Development "Bāka"!
Nice platform for bird watching in Lubana lake and fishponds.
Phone number: +371 26663358
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