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String of lagoons along the route from Agrustos to the southern point of the immense beach of Budoni.
Stagno Morto is part of a series of coastal lagoons that are easily accessible. The wetland has brackish water and lush reeds and attracts many birds. At the end of summer flaming różowy return there, in large flocks, to spend the winter. Among the other birds you can see in the area are sieweczka morska, szczudłak, czapla nadobna, sieweczka morska, czapla siwa, pustułka (zwyczajna), brzegówka, kwokacz, łyska, brodziec piskliwy, kląskawka and czapla biała.
Many car parks serving crowded beaches in summer. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that spot. Rather long walk because of the string of lagoons but a superb stroll along the sea. Some ponds require leaving the paths (sometimes under water in winter). Binoculars, spotting scopes and "big" zoom essential.
Area to be avoided in summer because the birds take refuge at a significant distance from the flow of tourists. There are smaller paths (boots necessary when the water level is high) on which you can enjoy the birds and some wooded areas that allow you to approach the birds without disturbing them.
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