
Riserva Naturale Meisino e Dell Isolone Bertolla

Piemonte, Torino  >  Italy

Beautiful park along the River Po in Turin. Easy to visit on foot and in some areas by bicycle.

Dodane* przez Giuseppe sucameli
Ostatnia aktualizacja 21 grudnia 2022


Riserva Naturale Meisino e dell'Isolone Bertolla is a nature reserve of 45 hectares that was established to protect the wetlands around the confluence of the Stura di Lanzo river in the Po. You can observe many species of birds. A pedestrian-cycle path that runs along the Meisino park. The Isolone di Bertolla is the only example of an urban heron colony present in Italy. The islet is elongated and the poplar groves are used for nesting by the large czapla siwa colony. Among the other birds you can see in the area are zimorodek, pluszcz, dzięcioł duży, czapla nadobna, czapla biała, perkoz dwuczuby, raniuszek zwyczajny, sikora uboga, sójka, perkozek and kormoran.


Italiano: Bellissimo parco da visitare a piedi e in alcune zone in bicicletta, si possono osservare tantissime specie di uccelli.. Facile da raggiungere. La riserva naturale fu istituita per tutelare le zone umide presenti attorno alla confluenza nel Po della Stura di Lanzo.



There are various entrances where you can park and then enter both on foot and by bicycle, a small forest along the Po river and then paths with the possibility of descending towards the river.


Italiano: Ci sono vari ingressi dove parcheggiare e poi entrare sia a piedi che in bicicletta, piccolo bosco lungo il fiume Po e poi sentieri con possibilità di scendere verso il fiume.

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