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Ancient sandbar that stretches 6.5 kilometers and covers around 250 hectares. Lots of birds can be observed, but access is only possible through a guided tour.
The Boscoforte peninsula is a strip of land, about 6.5 Km long, which dates back to the Etruscan age, more than 2000 years ago. The area is characterized by warm brackish water and strong wind. Fresh and salt-water live together, and, like in most lagoon environments, flora and fauna are rich. You can find marsh reeds and glasswort. Among the birds you can see are flaming różowy, ohar, szczudłak, szablodziób, żołna, chwastówka zwyczajna, ibis czczony, ibis kasztanowaty, czapla nadobna, ślepowron and warzęcha. Note that access to the peninsula is only possible through guided tours organized by the NatuRa Museum in Sant’Alberto (for more info see below).
Italiano: Si tratta di un lembo di terra battuta dal vento e bagnata dalle calde acque salmastre delle Valli di Comacchio: è la Penisola di Boscoforte, un antico cordone dunoso formatosi in epoca etrusca grazie agli elementi della natura di queste zone come l’acqua, la sabbia e il vento.
The Peninsula of Boscoforte is located between Comacchio and Ravenna. From Ravenna: Follow Strada Provinciale 1 (via Sant’Alberto). From Ferrara: Take the SS16 state road towards Alfonsine, then turn onto via Basilica towards Conventello-Sant’Alberto. Access to the peninsula is only possible through guided tours organized by the NatuRa Museum. If you want to visit the Oasis of Boscoforte, you can contact the NatuRa Museum (+39 0544 528710, or go to their website (see the link below) to find out the times and departures of the next tours.
Italiano: È possibile accedere alla Penisola di Boscoforte con una serie di visite guidate organizzate dal Museo NatuRa di Sant’Alberto, in giornate prestabilite e accompagnati da esperte guide ambientali.
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