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Path that runs along the edge of the canyon of the Gravina torrent, full of caves and with excellent views.
Parco della Murgia Materana is a spectacular rocky landscape between the towns of Matera and Montescaglioso in Basilicata. The area is characterized by soft limestone rock, cliffs, gorges and caves used by man who settled here since prehistoric times. The Murgia Park is characterised by a varied and wild nature which includes approximately 1,200 botanical species, a remarkable number for an area of about 7000 hectares. In this magnificent place crossed by the river Bradano and the streams Gravina and Jesce, you can also see many birds. In the path that runs along the edge of the canyon of the Gravina torrent you can see raptors such as kania ruda, kania czarna, raróg górski, ścierwnik and above all the pustułeczka, which is the park’s symbol. Other birds you can encounter are modrak and pokrzewka aksamitna. The park has easy access and paths to explore the area.
Italiano: Sentiero che percorre il bordo del canyon del torrente Gravina ricco di grotte e con ottima visuale. Facile accesso, presenti molte specie dal raro capovaccaio ad altri rapaci e uccelli.
You park next to the road and access the paths. The trails are not marked but is is easy to find your way. The route indicated on the map is about 2,5 km long.
Italiano: Si parcheggia a fianco strada e si accede ai sentieri, non sono molto segnalti ma intuitivi.
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