
Lago di Fogliano

Lazio  >  Italy

Wintering ducks, above all świstun in large numbers, but also many other birds in winter. In spring it is a good stopover place for many migrants.

Dodane* przez MAGNUS GRYLLE
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 lutego 2020


The lake is a part of Circeo National Park, consisting of yet other lakes along the coast to the south, a forest, and the Circeo mountain. All are worth a visit, depending on season.

On this place some nice birds you can see are zausznik, rybitwa krótkodzioba, orzełek, mewa sródziemnomorska LRcd, ibis kasztanowaty and błotniak stawowy.



It is possible to get to the eastern side from Strada Litoranea. Park along the road, just before the bridge over the dyke. Here there are paths to the hides. It is also possible to access the lake from the west. There is a parking place just north of the lake, along the Via Del Lido. From here is possible to walk out along the northern side of the lake.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Trzcinowiska , Wydmy , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy


Płaski , Bagienny

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Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?

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Przez cały rok

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower , Samochód , Wózek inwalidzki

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