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Interesting wetland, in the middle of one of the most important flight routes for migratory birds. The cliffs above the area are quite important for raptors.
The Confluenza Adige-Noce is the area between the confluence of the Adige river and the Noce creek. It is one of the most important places during spring and autumn migration. The importance is guaranteed by a humid belt rich in vegetation located in the Adige valley, which is an obligatory passage for many migrants who want to cross the Alps. Both in spring and in autumn there are several rarities that decide to stop to take a break from the long journey north or south. Waders such as kwokacz, brodziec piskliwy, samotnik, łęczak, sieweczka rzeczna and sieweczka obrożna are the most common. The area is also pretty rich in leaf warblers during migration.
In terms of breeding species the cliffs of the Piani dell'Agola are also really interesting. Three species of raptor are nesting there: orzeł przedni, puchacz and the most common of the three (with more than 6 couple each year) is kania czarna. czapla siwa and kormoran also nest in this area but the czapla biała despite being present nearly all the time, doesn't nest. The presence of the nearby landfill means that, especially in winter, there are a few thousand mewa srebrzysta and śmieszka. Also some mewa pospolita and possible other rarities from northern Europe.
The only way to reach the place is by parking the car to the dewatering plant indicated on the map. From there you have to go by foot, as no other way is good enough. In order to get up on the rocky cliffs you have to follow many tracks ! Be careful because only two of them are marked and safe enough. Also be careful of ticks because ithe area holds plenty of deers and roe deers in this area so potentially every bush you walk by is filled by those little suckers.
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