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These open grassy meadows, bordered by the forest, are great for many mountain and migrating birds like trznadel, piegża and świergotek drzewny.
At the south end of Champoluc a trail starts and enters a large grassy meadow, bordered on one side by the forest and on the other by the river Evancon, covered by a thick scrub of alders. This place is great for pliszka siwa, feeding around the horses, and for kulczyk, kopciuszek, krogulec and strzyzyk zwyczajny. Going further down, the trail enters the forest and gets closer to the river, arriving in a little fishing lake, called Green Lake (indicated with star on the map). This section is great for czarnogłówka (zwyczajna), czubatka, gil, pełzacz leśny, pluszcz, zniczek and śpiewak. Then after crossing the road the trail gets back in an open meadow and continues heading South towards a little chapel. This section is more bushy then the first one, with a more scattered tree cover on the west side. Here it's great for gąsiorek, dzięcioł zielony, świergotek drzewny, kwiczoł, paszkot and trznadel. During migration, the best period is late April/May in spring and August/early September in autumn, there are many interesting species to be found like muchołówka żałobna, pliszka żółta, krętogłów, piegża (which also breeds here), piecuszek and świstunka górska.
The best way to get there is to park at the free parking Route Dondeynaz in Champoluc (click on the P in the map for directions) and then follow the road on foot on the other side of the bridge, heading South to Pratone di Varasc (indicated with star on the map). The best way to explore the area is definitely on foot, but it's also possible on mountain bike. It takes around 1.30/2 hours to properly cover the place, but it can be done in less time.
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