
Ger McGann Memorial Rogerstown North Hide

Dublin  >  Ireland

Saltmarsh viewing area that is inundated with sea water to varying degrees on a daily basis.

Dodane* przez Brian Carruthers
Ostatnia aktualizacja 15 października 2021


​The Ger McGann Memorial Rogerstown North Hide is set within the inner Rogerstown estuary – a relatively small, narrow, and extremely shallow estuary with extensive mudflats at low tide. The reserve is also an area of land used as grazing pasture for horses. The saltmarsh is inundated with seawater to varying degrees on a daily basis. WARNING!: Please check local tide times before traveling, as the best time for viewing is one hour before, during, and one hour after high tide, so be prepared to wait during super high tides of four metre ++ (4m++). It is during these times that the brackish grasslands and inter-tidal creeks are extremely important for birds, providing safe roosting sites for thousands of wintering wildfowl and waders. The soft mudflats, exposed during low tides, are their feeding areas.The winter time is when siewka złota , siewnica , czajka , kulik wielki , rycyk , biegus zmienny , biegus rdzawy , piaskowiec , krwawodziób , kwokacz , ostrygojad ,ohar , świstun , cyraneczka Płaskonos szlachar , czapla siwa , czapla nadobna and bernikla obrożna are numerous., Also a good site for sokół wędrowny drzemlik krogulec myszołów & pustułka (zwyczajna).

During the summer and autumn months, the area attracts biegus krzywodzioby biegus malutki & batalion , the water channel beside the track to the North Hide is also one of the best sites to see samotnik feeding. The Ger McGann Memorial Rogerstown North Hide site is managed by Fingal Birdwatch Ireland (see link below) who look after the two bird hides in the area, so it is advisable to contact bwifingal@gmail.com before visiting for updated information.



From the M1 motorway, take right turn signposted Skerries, Rush , Donabate. Continue north on the R132 dual carriageway for 2.6km until you get to the 'Blakes Cross' juntion, turn right for Skerries, Rush, Lusk. At 400m take first right turn signposted Balleally. Follow this road with speed ramps for almost 940m until you reach a bungalow on the right with a farm gate marked **IWC - Birdwatch Ireland Reserve** (Only parking for 2 cars reversed in) with a smaller swing gate attached for entrance which leads to a rough laid track through a row of trees and then across the shared right of way, open horse field to another small swing gate to reach the Ger MaGann Memorial Rogerstown North Hide. (total distance to walk to hide = 550m) This track is NOT SUITABLE for wheelchairs, prams, or buggies.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Błota , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Rzeka , Morze


Płaski , Ślisko , Możliwy wysoki poziom wody

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Zima , Wiosna , Jesień , Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje


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Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego




Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

Important Information, before traveling contact bwifingal@gmail.com for Key Coded Entrance if requiring to use the Bird Hide, Otherwise stand behind the Bird Screen for viewing


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