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Small wetland reclamation project characterised by its flood meadows and numerous small ponds. One of the best places in Iceland to see nur rdzawoszyi
Flói Bird Reserve is a small wetland reclamation project that covers an area of approximately 5 km2 and is roughly 1-1.5 km wide. The surface of the reserve is covered with pools and ponds. It is on the alternative way from Keflavik airport down south, so if you don't need to see Reyjkavik I recommend driving towards Flói first. It's a perfect spot to start your icelandic trip. Approximately 70 species of birds have been recorded in the reserve and 25 species breed regularly. With many shorebirds like siewka złota, kszyk, krwawodziób, rycyk, ostrygojad and nur rdzawoszyi being nearly everywhere there. On your way to the reserve you will probably spot some droździk and szpak. There is also a couple of uszatka błotna breeding in the reserve. Plenty of ducks can be seen breeding on small ponds around. Ducks like świstun, cyraneczka and krakwa are common.
Flói Bird Reserve is accessible by car from the main road between Eyrarbakki and Þórlákshöfn. Turn north by the village of Eyrarbakki and head past the farm Sólvangur. The road soon heads left and there is a sign pointing to the car park at Stakkholt. The bird hide is the only building in the wetlands and can’t be missed. Open access, big parking. Keep to marked paths in order to avoid disturbance to nesting birds and damage to sensitive vegetation.
The area is low-lying, averaging a mere two metres above sea level. At spring tide the seawater can flood into the reserve and only the hummocks at Stakkholt, where the bird hide is located, remain above water. In clear weather the views to the surrounding mountains are stunning.
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