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The Upper Tsiknias River is, like the lower part, a fantastic spot to observe breeding and migrating species on the island.
The Upper Tsiknias River is located directly east of Kalloni, and is one of the most interesting spots of the island to observe breeding and migrating species. Although the number of birds tend to decline the further northwards you go, the area can be very interesting to check. Just like the lower part of the river, this area consists of a fairly narrow riverbed which often holds some water during Spring. Therefore, the area can be great to observe species like bączek, ślepowron, crakes, swallows and żołna. From the bridge (see map) you can (sometimes) observe large numbers of herons, gulls, waders and bocian czarny.
The bushes and scrubs around the riverbed are great for many species of songbird. Large flocks of wróbel sródziemnomorski can be found here too. The surrounding fields are always worth to check for groups of pipits, wagtails, larks and hunting harriers, like błotniak stawowy.
The best way to observe the area is to drive along the road next to the river, or take some time on the bridge (see star on the map) to observe birds from there.
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