
The Road to Petrified Forest

Lesvos  >  Greece

The road towards the Petrified Forest is great for typical inland breeding species, like trznadel modroglowy and białorzytka płowa.

Dodane* przez Bas Engels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 29 października 2023


The road towards the Petrified Forest is definitely worth driving slowly, and it is advised to stop and scan often. The slopes on both sides of the road provide great breeding habitat for species, like białorzytka płowa, kowalik skalny, białorzytka rdzawa, trznadel modroglowy and góropatwa azjatycka. The hilltops are used by flocks of sokół skalny and pustułeczka, and are often mixed with migrating species, like kobczyk.

Next to the road, several pools are present which are used by livestock to drink. Both local breeding birds and migrating species come down here for a drink, so taking your time next to a pool, and having some lunch is a great idea.



There's a road that leads towards the entrance of the Petrified Forest. You can stop and drive at several locations. The road can be in bad shape, so watch out for potholes and such.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Dolina , Góry


Pagórkowaty , Skalisty , Suchy , Otwarty krajobraz , Brak cienia

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Wiosenne migracje , Wiosna


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Pieszo , Rower , Samochód

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