
Rafina river mouth and Port

Attica  >  Greece

One of the few streams of Attica, holding water all year long. Interesting mostly in spring, but also autumn. Nearby port, fields and shrub worth exploring.

Dodane* przez Spyros Skareas
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 lipca 2022


Rafina Stream is a small river but always full of water. It provides the appropriate habitat for both breeding and migratory species. Easy to walk around, you can explore the river mouth, the surrounding park and nearby shrub area, and the close by fields. Do not forget the port for gulls and terns, especially in winter. Hint: For spring and summer birding, better come early in the morning, since the area gets crowded later on. During winter, interesting gulls and terns might arrive during rain storms!

Among the birds you can see here are czapla nadobna, burzyk sródziemnomorski, burzyk pólnocny, wierzbówka zwyczajna, sieweczka rzeczna, pokrzewka aksamitna, Black-headed wagtail, syczek, jaskółka rudawa, śmieszka, rybitwa czubata.



Public transportation with KTEL Buses from Athens center or Athens International Airport. Leave your car and walk along the area.

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