
Parakila Marsh

Lesvos  >  Greece

Parakila marsh is a fairly small wetland area, and provides a great habitat for migrating waders during early spring.

Dodane* przez Bas Engels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 27 października 2023


On the western side of the bay of Lesvos, a fairly small wetland is located, called Parakila marsh. This area consists of several pools with dead trees and shrubs. It is surrounded by tall trees and hills. The pools attract multiple species of (mainly) waders, like szczudłak, krwawodziób and kwokacz. The surrounding fields are used by błotniak stawowy as foraging habitat.

The area lies adjacent to the coastline, and these beaches can be a good spot for gulls, terns and waders, like sieweczka morska. In winter, the area is great for larger numbers of waterfowl, and even wodnik (zwyczajny).



Parakila marsh is easily accessed due to two side roads that lead through the area, but this is also the problem for this spot. Birds are easily scared off. Besides that, the area is not used by large numbers of birds during spring. Before exiting your car, check the pools with binoculars.

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