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The narrow strip of the riparian forest and the vast mudflats, saltflats and the lagoon form the most important wetland of northwest Greece.
Due to the irrigation, the current Kalamas Delta is pushed further north. Drive by the “tower hill” (check the cow herds for czapla złotawa), cross the Kestrini River and search the northern bank to the left (the southern bank is mostly dried out and converted into citrus orchards).
zimorodek are hunting (on this bank alone I recorded six of them). Quite a few krwawodziób, numerous dzierlatka (zwyczajna) (by cattle corrals), pokląskwa (in reedbeds), pelikan kędzierzawy (in the Xeradi Lagoon). In September the roadside bushes are alive with migrating muchołówka szara and flocks of piecuszek.
Driving north along the Ionian seacoast through the city of Igoumenitsa, there is a place where the main artery takes you right, further away from the sea – follow it for 150 metres and then turn left just before a small sports stadium. The rest of the road follows the sea.
Zoom in on the map and click on the "P" (parking) sign for driving directions.
To be properly explored, the Kalamas area requires one full day. The nearest resorts are at the island of Corfu (Igoumenitsa is the ferry port for the island) or in the town of Parga, further south.
A detailed description of the area is to be found in the Birdwatching in Northern Greece (2023) by Steve Mills.
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