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This coastal delta, with salt and freshwater marshes and lagoons is part of Axios Delta National Park. Many birds all year round.
Gallikos river estuary is an important area for breeding, passage and wintering waterbirds and other passage migrants. Together with the adjoining Kalochori Lagoon it's part of Axio Delta National Park and one of the best spots for birdwatching in Greece. At Gallikos and Kalochori you can see pelikan kędzierzawy, pelikan różowy, flaming różowy, rybitwa białoczelna, rybitwa krótkodzioba, żwirowiec łąkowy, szablodziób, szczudłak, sieweczka morska as well as zaganiacz blady, orlik grubodzioby, kurhannik and rybołów. And many more interesting birds, see the list below.
Kalochori Lagoon is the northern gate of the Axios Delta National Park and is just 8 km away from the city of Thessaloniki. Visitors can visit the natural area by car or with a bus from Thessaloniki. Take bus no 40 which starts every half an hour from behind the train station of Thessaloniki. Don’t be discouraged by the rather ugly industrial scenery you will see until you get there. If you want to visit the Kalochori lagoon get off at “Miltiadou” stop and continue straight to the Kerkyras Park.
Begin your tour from the Kalochori lagoon and the 1 km walking trail from the Kerkyras Park and connects the village of Kalochori with the sea.
The Axios Delta National Park is a haven for wildlife and a dream for birders. In a wetland complex of 340 square kilometers, the deltas of the rivers Axios and Aliakmon, the estuaries of the Gallikos and Loudias rivers, and the wetlands of Nea Agathoupoli and Alyki Kitrous create a broad biodiversity. A great variety of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and, very notably, more than 300 species of birds.
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