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The olive and fig groves in this area can be packed with migrants during spring migration!
Just behind the first fields adjacent to the sea (see Faneromeni beach), several olive and fig groves, irrigated fields and a (mostly) dry riverbed is located. This area can be fantastic during spring migration. The groves can be packed with migrants, like flycatchers, redstarts, warblers, wilga (zwyczajna) and so much more. Scan every grove you pass along your trip. Fences and wires should be checked for shrikes and chats. Harriers, like błotniak stawowy and błotniak łąkowy, can be seen hunting above the fields regularly.
Passing migrants, moslty larger species, like herons, bee-eaters, storks and raptors tend to follow the riverbed inland. Flocks of raptors, like pustułeczka, kobczyk and sokół skalny can be seen here too. Check the sky regularly!
There are multiple roads leading you through the area. You can search for migrants in the groves from off these roads. Don't enter the groves without permission though!
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