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A short but beautiful 3 km circular walk along the small stream valley of Wintersbornerbach. The little stream is surrounded by open forest.
This circular walk in the Koblenz district of Arzheim is an easy 3 km along a wide and well maintained path through the forested slopes of the Wintersbornerbach stream. Good for forest birds, kowalik and woodpeckers and a chance to see pliszka górska along the stream.
The Wintersbornerbach is located in the Koblenz district of Arzheim. At the beginning of the walk just east of Arzheim there is a small car park. Click on the P in the map for directions. The walk is marked with green signs. You can easily extend the walk because several other hiking trails around Arzheim connect to this walk.
A small downside to this walk is that the path runs under the B49 motorway (the motorway passes high above you) and you can hear the traffic on the highway during a part of the walk.
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