

Bavaria, Lower Franconia  >  Germany

Along the so called Dorfkulturweg you walk through a variegated landscape with agricultural land and forest. The edge of the latter is good for the ortolan

Dodane* przez Thomas Büttel
Ostatnia aktualizacja 2 września 2020


The most interesting part of the area is the already mentioned edge of the forest where usually ortolan and świergotek drzewny can be heard and seen. Other species of notice on the circuit walk are turkawka, potrzeszcz and gąsiorek. Pay furthermore attention to the błotniak łąkowy which sometimes is searching for food on the fields closeby. The forest finally offers habitat for some common species like dzięcioł średni or grubodziób.

Navigating in the field shouldn't be too difficult as the mentioned circuit walk is signed as Dorfkulturweg. From time to time there are info panels next to the path. However, the map provided by openstreetmap is not complete in this area, many paths in the wood are missing (so a hiking map can be of use).



Leave the motorway A7 at the exit Kitzingen and follow afterwards the B8 in the direction of the latter. After 11 km you reach a roundabout at Mainbernheim. Turn here off towards Willanzheim and stay on the main road until it bends to the left. Pay attention to the Kapellenweg on your right hand side. At the end of the latter you find a suitable car park (next to the football field). Furthermore you can reach Willanzheim by bus (line 8107) from Kitzingen.

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