

Niedersachsen  >  Germany

Salt marshes, mudflats and inland dykes, some ponds and scattered bushes.

Dodane* przez Andreas Michalik
Ostatnia aktualizacja 24 lutego 2022


Varelerhafen is a great area for bird watching, but the birds can usually only be observed from a great distance. However, there are a few ways to get closer to some birds. In the case of high water, waders gather in the ponds. The salt marshes themselves can be attractive to raptors and there are occasional aggregations of up to four harrier species in late summer. Among them was the błotniak stepowy fairly regularly in recent years. Other rarities observed in the area include orzeł przedni and biegus wielki.



You can either park your car at the Varelerhafen or at the Waperlersiel. From there you can walk to the observation areas. The inland dike paths are in poor condition, but can be driven on in part, even if the passage between Wapelersiel and Varelerhafen is only possible for pedestrians and cyclists.

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